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So far faiPST has created 68 blog entries.

February 2014

Flood – Turning of the Tide for Insurers?


Sorry for the horrendous title. I would usually go for an amusing pun but given the serious nature of the topic I can’t bring myself to think of one. Unless you have been abroad or on the moon since December you can’t help but have noticed the severe weather the country has experienced causing all

January 2014

It’s Snow Joke


It is proven scientific fact and evident from all surveys ever that you begin hating snow the first time it occurs after successfully passing your driving test. Whilst snow, ice and other wintery weather might not be ideal there are some simple steps to ensure that you are driving as safely as possible: Make sure

December 2013

Let Them Eat Cake! (or failing that, drink hot chocolate)


Last Friday we took part in our local community Christmas Fun night. So often businesses seem faceless and corporate so this is a great opportunity to see the people we value most out of that context and in a more relaxed atmosphere. It’s always a bit of a rush to get set up and ready



Unless you are lucky enough to own James Bond’s Lotus Esprit come submarine or Chitty Chitty Bang Bang you should be considering what damage you could do by not taking care through flood water. According to the Insurance Times the AA saw almost 9,000 cases in recent times of vehicles damaged after being driven through

August 2012

Safety Nets


I am not into scare-mongering – that is not the way to sell insurance, in fact I don’t like to even ‘sell’ insurance. Our intention is to ‘provide’ insurance that people need. Where we see gaps we can offer cover and protection – something that cannot be done by a computer or someone in a

Price Rises Pressure Motor Trade


It's no secret, particularly if you are in the motor trade, that insurance rates are on the up. This is often no reflection on the individual or business at hand as they may have not experienced any claims and still present a good risk but claims seen across the board mean insurers have seen a

Inspiration from Marginal Gains (Team FW taking Inspiration from Team GB)


A while ago I blogged about controlling your inner chimp. This technique, explained to me by Coaching Psychologist, Mike Duckett, was pioneered by TeamGB and generally famous sports psychologist Dr Steve Peters and it totally makes sense. In fact one could look at the David Brailsford (Performance Director of British Cycling) era and utilise the lessons

July 2012

Above Average?


We all know what average means in real life but in insurance terms it is something you all should certainly know about. This post is extremely relevant to my last one (the pitfalls of using comparison sites) and to anyone who may be getting their insurances direct from the internet or over the phone with

Go Compare some Money Supermarket Meerkats


Consumer website Moneyvista - www.moneyvista.com - provided food for thought in a recent article about using price comparison websites. Of course we have all experienced these and we know how cheap they can be but cheap is a bad word. How often do we use the word 'cheap' to describe something of substandard quality -

Olympic Premiums?


Typically we would advise a client to take out Terrorism cover, particularly where the location of the property or business dictates that this would be a good idea i.e. inner M25, next to power stations, points of interest etcetera. The cost of this is often nominal compared to the premium itself and is not going

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