A recent study by Insurance Times magazine has revealed that there has been a phenomenal increase in claims for water damage to telephones and similar devices. I found this of particular interest having had to claim twice, once for an incident concerning me, my iphone, a cup of tea (also mine) and a collision between the two. The second also concerns me, my macbook, he washing up (not all mine) and the collateral spillage caused by my enthusiastic washing up.

The lesson is really that you should not rely on the insurance provided by the phone companies and networks as often it will exclude water damage. Similarly if relying on your device being insured under the home contents or work insurance policy remember that often they need to be noted individually to be adequately covered. If you have a work mobile check whether you are meant to be insuring it or if it is already insured by the work policy. Contact your provider and get some proper advice.

Remember this simple formula

phone photo

Unless of course you have the appropriate insurance in place in which case all will be well (minus your policy excess of course).
