It might interest you to know that a study has revealed that plot lines in soaps over the last three years have resulted in a fictional insurance bill of at least £1,000,000!  The single most costly incident being the siege, fire and explosion at Weatherfield’s knicker factory which would have given rise to an insurance claim costing in the region of £150,000. This kind of wanton destruction is not limited to the North of England, with the inhabitants of Albert Square racking up a criminal damage bill of over £70,000.  On a similar theme, residents of Hollyoaks have been the victims (and, one would assume, also the perpetrators) of 32 thefts and five muggings.

According to bods at esure who undertook this research, Coronation Street represents ten times the claims cost of an average street in Manchester.

It is probably safe to say that plans to open a Weatherfield branch of Fairweather Insurance are presently on hold.